Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Personal Identification Number (PIN)?
A Personal Identification Number (PIN) is a unique number assigned by the KPC to any individual who is paying or receiving support. You may use your PIN instead of your social security number to hear information about your case(s), which helps you avoid identify theft. When you call KPC Customer Service, listen for options that let you hear recent information using your PIN instead of waiting for a representative. If you don't know your PIN, please call us for help at 1-877-572-5722—you’ll need to call between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Central Time, Monday through Friday (except state holidays).
When did the KPC begin processing payments?
The KPC started processing child support and maintenance (spousal support) payments October 1, 2000. Before that
date, support payments were processed by the local District Courts or sent directly from one parent to the other.
How quickly are payments processed?
Support payments are always deposited on the day they are received, whether they come through the mail or electronically. All payments are immediately deposited, even if more information is needed for full processing. If you are interested in faster and safer ways to pay support, click “If You Pay Support” on the KPC homepage.
In general, support disbursements are sent out from the KPC within 24 to 48 business hours after the payment is received with all the information needed to correctly process the payment. There are exceptions, so always check the Payment Record (or IV-D Disbursement Record) to see when money actually goes out. If you are interested in faster and safer ways to receive support payments, click “If You Receive Support” on the KPC homepage.
How do I get a copy of the payment history for a case?
Payment information from the KPC is only available if payments have been made to the KPC since October 1, 2000. If payments were made through the local Kansas court before October 1, 2000, please contact the Clerk of the District Court in the county where the support order was issued. For information about contacting a Clerk of the District Court, click here.
If you need a certified copy of the payment history, contact the Clerk of the District Court. “Certified copy” of a payment history means a copy that the Clerk of the District Court has formally labeled as a full, true and correct copy of the payment history. The Clerk’s certified copy will include any payments processed at the KPC under that case number. The Clerk will charge a fee for certifying a copy of a payment history. For information about contacting a Clerk of the District Court, click here.
Many times you will not need a certified copy or information about payments made before October 1, 2000. In that case, you can print a copy of the KPC payment history from this web site. Click the Payment Records link at the left side of this screen and go to the payment record you need.
If you are not able to print from this web site, you may also call our toll free number and request that a copy be faxed to you. When requesting the printed payment history by phone, you may select information for the last 12 months, the last calendar year, or a complete payment history.
What if I cannot open or read a PDF file/document?
Some documents on this web site are in PDF format only.
To view them, you may install the current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader™ by clicking here.
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