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How to Interpret

1. Choosing the type of payment record.

When you search, you must choose whether to look at Basic Payment Records, Comprehensive Payment Records, or IV-D Disbursement Records.

  • Basic Payment Records show each payment received at the KPC and other credits or changes that effect the total amount owed (PYMT), the amount applied to an agency or individual’s claim (ALOC). This is often the best view to use when you want to calculate the unpaid balance on a debt.
  • Comprehensive Payment Records show more detailed information about payments received and payments sent out (disbursed). Comprehensive Payment Records show the lines for every “event” in a payment history, but not disbursements to a family receiving DCF’s Child Support Services.
  • IV-D Disbursement Records only show limited information about payments sent out to a family receiving services from DCF under the Title IV-D Child Support Services (CSS) program.

See #3 below for information about any event that may appear as a line on Comprehensive Payment Records, Basic Payment Records, and IV-D Disbursement Records. Some events can appear on all three views, but some will only appear on one or two views.

See #3 below for information about the different columns that may be shown. Not all the columns described are shown for all three views (Comprehensive Payment Records, Basic Payment Records, and IV-D Disbursement Records).

Once a court order has been selected, you may move back and forth between Basic and Comprehensive views without re-entering the order number.

2. The yellow identification bar across the top.

After you choose the view (Basic, Comprehensive, or IV-D Disbursements) and select an individual payment record, the yellow bar across the top identifies the payment record you have selected. This information will be included if you decide to print.

The identification bar on Basic Payment Records and Comprehensive Payment Records shows the court order number entered, the court order type, and the date range you chose (if any). Here is an example, followed by information about each part of the identification bar:

Kansas Payment Center Payment History Report

Basic Report

County Name:
Court Order Number:
99D 001235
Court Order Type:
Date Range:
02/28/2000 - 03/03/2000
County Name = Kansas county where the court order was filed
CO # = Unique number assigned to the court order
CO Type = Court Order Type  (NIVD, IVD, NIVA, NIVI, or BLND)
Date Range = The start and end date shown for this payment record.
If a date range was not entered on the search page, dates will not display and the entire payment record will be displayed.

Court Order Type (CO Type) identifies the current status of this case with respect to the Title IV-D Child Support Services (CSS) program at the Kansas Department for Children and Families. There are five possible codes:

  • NIVD – Non-IV-D. The case has no connection with the CSS program at this time.
  • IVD – IV-D. This is an open CSS case. It is not necessarily a public assistance case. (To see disbursements to the family, you must view IV-D Disbursement Records.)
  • NIVA – Partially IV-D. All current support (and maybe some past due support) is Non-IV-D. CSS is only working to collect past due support that belongs to the State of Kansas. The first money received at the KPC during a month will be applied to the Non-IV-D current support owed for that month. After current support is paid, other money received that month will be sent to DCF (IV-D).
  • NIVI – Interstate, but not IV-D. Collections will be sent to another state, but CSS in Kansas is not involved.
  • BLND – Blended. Part of current support is IV-D and part is Non IV-D.

IV-D Disbursement Records also have a yellow identification bar along the top, which displays the KPC PIN (or DCF Person Number) that was entered, the name that goes with that number, and the date range (if any). IV-D Disbursement Records show the KPC checks, direct deposits, and debit card deposits paid to this person. The information shown on the IV-D Disbursement Record does not guarantee that a recent disbursement is available to spend.

A person who does not have an DCF CSS case will receive an error message.

KPC Pin: 99999999 Name: Jane Smith Date Range: 02/28/2000 - 03/03/2000

3. The following is a description of the columns along the top of a payment record.

Column 1: Event

Column 1: Event
An event describes the type of financial activity reflected on the payment record. The following abbreviations are used:

PYMT = Payment
Payment received from a Payer (person who makes a payment) and accounting entry to reflect changes to the payment record.
ALOC = Allocation
Amount of money applied to a person or agency's particular account. (see Column 8)
DISB = Disbursement
Amount of the deposit to a bank account or debit card or the check paid to the Payee (person who receives money).
MSPY = Misapplied
Correcting entry for funds that were originally applied to an incorrect court order or debt type.
POST = Posting amount change
Correcting entry for a posting amount error.
RTRN = Returned
A disbursement returned to the KPC as undeliverable.
VOID = Void
Adjustment used to change a disbursement status when funds have been returned to KPC.
APLY = Apply
An entry to reflect a disbursement that was applied to a Recoupment Account.
CANC = Cancelled
Adjustment used to change a disbursement status when funds have not been returned to KPC. For example, when a lost or stolen affidavit has been submitted.
RALC = Recoupment Allocation
Amount of money applied to a person's recoupment account.
TRSY = Treasury
Disbursement has been sent to the State Treasurer of Kansas as unclaimed property.
Column 2: Event Reason

Column 2: Event Reason
An event reason is a broader description of the event in Column 1. An event reason will only display for adjustment records.

MANUAL CHECK = System generated check is voided and replaced with a manual check.
= A disbursement was sent to an incorrect payee. It was voided and sent to the correct payee.
MISAPPLIED   Disbursement was voided as payment was applied in error.
DESTROYED NO CHECK = Check has been confirmed as being unredeemed and has been cancelled. Funds have been redisbursed under a new check number or by deposit to a bank account or debit card.
STALE DATED NO CHECK = Check is older than 180 days, is not redeemable and has been cancelled. Funds have been redisbursed under a new check number or by deposit to a bank account or debit card.
ACCOUNTING ADJ (PAYER) = Entry used to reflect an adjustment to the pay history. This entry does not create a disbursement. It reflects a positive/negative adjustment for the payer.
ACCOUNTING ADJ (PAYEE) = Entry used to reflect an adjustment to the pay history. This entry does not create a disbursement. It reflects a positive/negative adjustment for the payee.
CORRECT PAYER = Entry used to update the pay history to reflect when payments need to be credited to the correct payer.
CS DEBT TYPE ADJ = Entry used to update the pay history to reflect when payments need to be credited/removed from the child support debt.
DIRECT PAYMENT FROM PAYER = Entry used to reflect a payment where the payer has made a payment directly to the custodial parent.
FEE = Entry used to reflect a court trustee fee that is being credited/removed.
INCOMPLETE PAY HISTORY - CONTACT CUSTOMER SERVICE = Entry used to refer the participant to contact Customer Service due to prior problems associated with the original court order.
INCORRECT PAYER = Entry used to update the pay history to reflect when a payment needs to be removed from the incorrect payer.
MANUAL CHECK TO PAYEE = Entry used to update the pay history to reflect a manual check being mailed directly to the participant in place of a system generated check.
MN DEBT TYPE ADJ = Entry used to update the pay history to reflect when payments need to be credited/removed from the maintenance debt.
MULTIPLE COURT ORDERS (PAYEE) = Entry used to update the pay history to reflect payment posted to one court order, when another court order should have been credited with the payment. It can reflect a positive/negative adjustment for the payee.
MULTIPLE COURT ORDERS (PAYER) = Entry used to update the pay history to reflect payment posted to one court order, when another court order should have been credited with the payment. It can reflect a positive/negative adjustment for the payer.
OT DEBT TYPE ADJ = Entry used to update the pay history to reflect when payments need to be credited /removed from the other debt.
PAYMENT ADJUSTMENT (PAYER) = Entry used to adjust a payer's previous payment. This will reflect a negative adjustment for the payer.
PAYMENT FROM PAYER = Entry used to reflect a payment received by DCF.
REFUND TO PAYER = Entry used to reflect funds that have been returned to the payer.
COUNTYREQUEST = Payment posted correctly as indicated on check/document. However, a county official is requesting that this payment be adjusted off of this court case and placed to a different court order.
COURT ORDER STATUS CHANGE = Payment posted to correct court order, however status was incorrect. Court order status corrected and payment adjusted.
KPC POSTING ERROR = Adjustment to a payment posted incorrectly to a court order.
STATE REQUEST = Payment posted correctly as indicated on check/document. However, a state official is requesting that this payment be adjusted off of this court case and placed to a different court order.
SUBMITTAL ERROR = Payment posted as indicated on check/document but information was incorrect. Payment has been adjusted off of this order.
FOREIGN CURRENCY = Adjustment when payment has been converted into US funds for distribution.
RECOUPMENT FROM PAYEE = A portion or all of the disbursement has been applied to the payee's recoupment per agreement between KPC/payee.
ADDRESS = Check has been returned to the KPC due to insufficient address information. Address has been updated and funds have been redisbursed under a new check number.
INVALID EFT = EFT has been returned to the KPC due to insufficient EFT information. EFT has not been updated. Disbursement will be reissued if payee's address is known or new EFT information is received.
NO ADDRESS = Check has been returned to the KPC due to insufficient address information. Address has not been updated. Disbursement will be reissued if direct deposit or debit card is requested or when a new address is received.
VALID EFT = EFT has been returned to the KPC due to insufficient information, which has since been updated. Funds have been disbursed under updated EFT information.
DESTROYED CHECK INHAND = Check has been returned and has been voided. A new check has been issued, or the money has been deposited to a bank account or debit card.
RE-ISSUE = Check has been confirmed as being unredeemed and has been voided. A new check has been issued, or the money has been deposited to a bank account or debit card.
STALE DATED CHECK INHAND = Check is older than 180 days and is considered stale dated and has been voided. A new check has been issued, or the money has been deposited to a bank account or debit card.
Column 3: Proc Date = Processing Date

Column 3: Proc Date = Processing Date The date the KPC recorded the financial activity for that entry.

Column 4: Rcvd/Mail Date = Received or Mailed Date

Column 4: Rcvd/Mail Date = Received or Mailed Date
The date the KPC received an incoming payment, mailed an outgoing check or initiated an outgoing deposit to a bank account or debit card.

Column 5: Status

Column 5: Status
The status of money paid to the payee by check or deposit to a bank account or debit card.
A status will only display for DISB events.

CNC = Cancel
Check has been cancelled
EFT EFT Created
Electronic Funds Transfer is in process of being created.
EFTE = EFT Effective
Electronic Funds Transfer has been created and transmitted to the participant's financial institution
EFTR = EFT Returned
Electronic Funds Transfer has been returned to the KPC due to an insufficient amount of information concerning the EFT Account.
HOLD = Hold
Disbursement is on hold at the KPC due to insufficient address information. Disbursement will be issued when payee's address or new EFT information is known
OUT = Outstanding
Disbursement has been issued but not yet cashed
STLE = Stale Dated
Check is older than 180 days and is considered stale dated and has been voided. Participant needs to request a replacement check or sign up for direct deposit or a KPC debit card
RTRN = Returned
Disbursement has been returned to KPC for insufficient address or EFT information. Disbursement will be reissued when payee's address or EFT information is known.
VADR = Void Without Address
A check has been returned to the KPC due to an insufficient address. There may be a later TRSY or DISB event for the returned money
APLY = Apply
Disbursement has been applied to participant's recoupment account.
CLRD = Cleared
Check has been cashed.
Check has been voided and a new disbursement will be issued
Column 6: Trans# = Transaction number

Column 6: Trans# = Transaction number
Transaction identification number assigned by KPC for internal tracking purposes.

Column 7: Payor/Payee

Column 7: Payor/Payee
This field shows who made the payment (payer) or who received the payment (payee)

Column 8: Amount

Column 8: Amount
The amount of the payment received, disbursed, or adjusted

Column 9: Type

Column 9: Type
This field shows the type of debt that is recorded for the transaction. The following abbreviations and terms are used:

CS = Child Support
MN = Maintenance (Alimony or Spousal Support)
OT = Other
Fee = Fee paid to District Court Trustee where the court order is enforced.
Column 10: ID# = Identification number

Column 10: ID# = Identification number
The check or EFT transaction number of the payment received from the payer, or the check or EFT transaction number for the payment sent to the payee.

Each “PYMT” line will show the payer's check or EFT transaction number in the ID column.

Each “DISB” line will show the payee’s check or EFT transaction number in the ID column. If a disbursement was by direct deposit, an "E" will be the first character of the ID number. If a disbursement was by debit card, a "C" will be the first character of the ID number.

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Kansas Payment Center

P.O. Box 758599 Topeka, KS 66675-8599

Phone: 877-572-5722

The Kansas Payment Center is funded by the Kansas Department for Children and Families

Site Release v4.4