Pay Online Help
Preparing to Register for KPCpaySM
We’ve made KPCpay registration an easy step-by-step process. This summary will help you prepare ahead of time. If you have questions or run into difficulty while registering, call KPC Customer Service at 1-877-572-5722 for help during weekday business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Central Time, Monday through Friday except State holidays).
If you are an employer who will pay support you’ve withheld from one or more of your employees, please click on the New Employers link under “Pay Online.”
If you are an individual who will pay on your own support order(s), please click on the New Individuals link under “Pay Online.”
These are the steps you will be taken through when you click one of the Registration links:
Your Profile. On the first screen, you will type in general information about yourself (or about yourself and your company), such as your mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address. This will be stored as your Profile for KPCpay. Look under the “Field Definitions” heading for details about what must go in each box.
The “User ID” field can be based on your name (or your business’ name). You may want to think up and write down your “User ID” ahead of time. It must include both letters and numbers and have at least 7 characters. It is case sensitive, so keep track of what letters you capitalize. It cannot include any special characters (such as ? or % or #). You will use the User ID every time you log onto KPCpay, so we suggest you make a note of it—but keep it separate from your password, for safety’s sake.
An e-mail address is required for registration and ongoing use of KPCpay. During registration, an activation code (temporary password) will be e-mailed back to you so that you can finish your registration.
If you do not have an e-mail account, you need to establish that account before you start to register for KPCpay. You may want to ask trusted friends or family to recommend an e-mail service. Your local public library has a wide variety of information about using e-mail and about protecting your personal information—your library also may offer helpful computer services or classes. If you are worried about the cost, an internet search for ‘free e-mail’ can provide you with several options for setting up an e-mail account that is free of charge. KPC Customer Service staff are not allowed to recommend an e-mail service or to assist you with setting up an e-mail account.
If you are an individual (not an employer) registering to use KPCpay, you will need your KPC PIN (Personal Identification Number) and your social security number (SSN) for your Profile. If you do not know your KPC PIN, please call KPC Customer Service to get it before you start KPCpay registration.
Employers: After the first person finishes registering for your business, always call KPC Customer Service to register other KPCpay users for your business. Each person needs to be individually entered as a KPCpay user, so that you can protect your bank or credit account when they leave or change duties. Look under “Tips & Troubleshooting” for more information.
Activation Code. When you click “continue” and submit your Profile to KPCpay, an e-mail message will be sent back to you from our computer. Normally you will receive the reply in a matter of seconds, depending on the speed of your local internet service. The subject line of that message will be “Your KPC Secure Web Site Activation Code.”
The automatic reply will give you an activation code, the temporary password you will use to enter KPCpay and complete the registration process. Detailed instructions are in the reply message. Activation codes expire after 48 hours. Call KPC Customer Service for a new activation code if yours expires before you can replace it with your first password or if you did not receive the automatic e-mail message.
Challenge Questions. When you have used your User ID and activation code to log onto KPCpay, you will be allowed to choose “Challenge Questions” from a list and asked to give an answer for each one you choose. The purpose of these Challenge Questions is security—it is a way to make sure you are YOU whenever you use a different computer to log onto KPCpay or whenever your password expires and has to be replaced.
The most important thing about the answers you give is that they must be answers you will remember in the future. Whether you use real information or make up an answer, make sure you will know exactly what you told us, even several months or years from now. It is best if your answers can be recalled without writing them down.
Create new password. Because the activation code is only good for 48 hours, you need to replace it immediately with your first password.
When registration is nearly complete, you will be at the “Change Password” screen. Follow the instructions there until you receive the message that your password has been successfully changed. When you click “continue,” you will be taken to your KPCpay Home page and your registration is complete.
If your activation code expires before you create a new password, call KPC Customer Service during weekday business hours to get a new activation code. Be prepared to answer your Challenge Questions during the call.
Tips and Troubleshooting
Keep your Profile up-to-date. It is especially helpful to keep your e-mail address current, so that you will receive vital information and be able to use self-service features outside ordinary business hours. For example, an expired password can be immediately replaced without calling Customer Service, but only if your Profile has your current e-mail address.
Employers: Disabling registered KPCpay users. When a registered user for your business changes duties or leaves your employment, you will want to immediately disable their access to KPCpay to protect your bank or credit account. Disabling the user will automatically cancel any future KPCpay transactions that the user had warehoused.
To disable a KPCpay user, call KPC Customer Service at 1-877-572-5722. You will be asked to furnish proof of your authority to disable their KPCpay access for your business.
If you need to see the KPCpay “Payment History” for the disabled user, to identify transactions that are pending, ask KPC Customer Service to assist you.
Employers: Adding new KPCpay users for your business. Each person you authorize to use KPCpay needs to be separately registered as a KPCpay user. That way, you can disable a former users’ access to protect your bank or credit account, and you will always be able to identify who initiated each payment transaction, for audit purposes.
After the first user has registered for your business, call KPC Customer Service during weekday business hours to register each new user. Our customer service representative will make sure that key items in your Profile (Company Name and EIN, for example) are the same for each of your users and that your list of employees and cases (your Roster) is linked to the new user and will not have to be re-typed.
Headings on KPC screens. Screens in KPCpay have a text box at the top with three headings: Instructions, Field Definitions, and FAQs. To the left of each heading, you’ll see a button with arrows—by clicking that button, you can open (expand) that heading to see detailed information OR close (hide) the detailed information to move it out of your way.
- The “Instructions” heading tells you exactly what to do to complete that screen and move on to the next step.
- The “Field Definitions” heading explains what information goes into each box where you enter information (“values”) on that screen. A field definition can include important details—for example, telling where you cannot use a special character (like * or %).
- The “FAQs” heading gives answers to Frequently Asked Questions—questions that users commonly ask about that screen or that step in the process.
Finding KPCpay Help. There are several places where you can find helpful information for KPCpay:
- This Help menu, which you get to from the menu on the left side of most KPC website screens, is meant to help you register as a new KPCpay user or if you have trouble logging onto KPCpay.
- Once you are logged onto KPCpay, you will see another Help tab near the top of the screen. That menu has topics meant to help you after you are inside KPCpay.
- Text boxes on each KPCpay screen. Expand the headings to learn more or find guidance for that screen.
- General information about KPCpay is found under two KPC Home page links, “If You Pay Support” (for individuals who pay support) and “Employers.”
Passwords. Each KPCpay password expires automatically after 90 days. KPCpay does not warn users ahead of time that a password is about to expire. We suggest that you mark your calendar as you create a password, to remind yourself to change it before the end of the third month. (For example, when you create a password in mid-March, make a note to change it in early June.)
Passwords are changed at the KPCpay Log On screen. Look for the “Change Password” option.
If you forget your password or it expires before you can change it, there is a self-service way to create a new password. The steps are:
- Go to the Log On screen and enter your User ID
- Click “Change Password”
- Answer your Challenge Questions. If you do this successfully, our computer will automatically e-mail a new access code to you at the e-mail address that is in your Profile. Follow the directions in the e-mail to log on and change your old password.
If the self-service method to replace your password does not work, please call KPC Customer Service during weekday business hours for help.
New support orders. If you want to send a payment on a brand new support order, check first to be sure the new order has been set up at the KPC. If there is no case yet at the KPC, any money you send will be held by the KPC until they receive the information needed to set up the KPC case record.
If you are an individual Participant in KPCpay, you can quickly see if the KPC record exists for your new order by clicking on “Make Payment” on your KPCpay Home page. If the new order has been set up, it will be listed in the grid of support orders.
Another way to see if the KPC record exists is by clicking “Payment Records” on the left side of the KPC Home page. Choose either Basic Payment Records or Comprehensive Payment Records and follow the directions for entering the order number.
- If you get a message that no payments have been recorded for the order number you entered, you know the KPC case is set up and ready to receive payments.
- If you get a message that the order number was not found, double-check to be sure you have entered the county and order number correctly. If you still get the “not found” message, the KPC case has not been set up yet.
Each case is different, but normally the office that helps establish the support order is also responsible for making sure the KPC case gets set up. If it has been more than three weeks since your support order was signed, contact that office to find out what has happened. (If you are an Employer who needs to obey an income withholding order, please check immediately with the office that sent you the income withholding order.)
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Finding and Formatting Order Numbers
Finding the order number on an income withholding order.
The standard income withholding form is Form OMB-0970-0154, entitled “Order/Notice to Withholding Income for Child Support.” It is a federal form designed for use in all states.
On the standard income withholding form, near the end of the section entitled “Remittance instructions,” there is a blank labeled “Remittance Identifier” which should state the full order number. The Remittance Identifier is often the same as the “Order Identifier” number at the top of the first page, but if they are different, use the “Remittance Identifier” number as the order number for KPCpay. Ignore the “Case Identifier” and “Document Tracking Identifier” numbers on the standard form—they are intended for other purposes.
Non-standard withholding forms. If the income withholding order is not formatted like the federal form described above, the front page will have a heading that shows the full Kansas order number in the upper right quadrant of the page. If the county identifier (county abbreviation) has been omitted, look for the county name in the very top line of the heading. If you need to find the standard two-letter abbreviation for any Kansas county, search on the internet for “Kansas county abbreviations.”
For more information, including links to sample forms, please go to the KPC Home page, click on EMPLOYERS and scroll to item #9, FAQ. Look for the question “Where do I find the full court order number on the income withholding order?”
Formatting the order number.
Your payments will be credited most quickly and accurately at the KPC when the order number you use in KPCpay is in the right format.
Individual Participant: When you click “Make Payment” on your KPCpay Home page, your order(s) should all be listed in the grid of support orders. If they are, you don’t have to worry about the format of the number.
If you want to send a payment on an order that is not listed in your grid, you should be aware that the money will be held by the KPC until that order is set up at the KPC. (See “New support order” under Tips & Troubleshooting.) If you decide to send a payment anyway, use the “Add order” button on the “Make Payment” screen.
- The rules for how to enter an order number are the same for Adding an order in KPCpay as the rules for Searching KPC payment records.
- To find those rules, click “Payment Records” on the left side of the KPC screen. Choose either Basic Payment Records or Comprehensive Payment Records. Either one will take you to a screen where an order number can be entered. Instead of typing in a number, scroll down that page to read information about Court Order Numbers.
- Be careful: Once you manually Add an order number to your KPCpay grid of orders, it will continue to be listed there. If the same case is set up at the KPC with a slightly different number, both will show up on your KPCpay grid—and you may accidentally choose the wrong one. To have a duplicate order permanently removed from your grid, call KPC Customer Service during weekday business hours.
Employer: When you create or update your Roster under “Make Payment,” you will enter the order numbers for each employee. Employer formatting rules for order numbers are a little different from the rules individuals must follow. If the value you enter does not fit the basic format described below, you will get a message warning that you have entered an unexpected value. You may then correct the information or, if you are confident that it is correct, continue without making a change.
If an order number in your Roster must be corrected so that your future payments will be credited quickly and accurately, a representative from the KPC will contact you. Please be sure your Profile always has your current phone number and e-mail address.
Here is the basic Employer format for Kansas order numbers in KPCpay, going from left to right:
- Leave out hyphens, spaces (except as noted below for Digit 6), and other special characters (such as # or *).
- County is the two-letter county abbreviation. KPCpay will warn you if you enter a letter combination that is invalid or enter a number in either digit. If you need to find the standard two-letter abbreviation for any Kansas county, search on the internet for “Kansas county abbreviations.”
- Digits 1 and 2 are the year the order number was created. A KPCpay warning will display if these two digits are not numbers.
- Digits 3 and 4 show the type of court order, such as divorce (D or DM), civil (C or CV), or interstate registration (R or RC). There are other valid order types, but these are the most common. If the order type has just one letter, it is followed by a space in Digit 6. A KPCpay warning will display if these two digits are not letters (or a letter and space).
- The remaining digits are the order’s sequential number. Five Kansas counties have courthouses in two towns, so for those counties the last digit may be a letter. Here are the five counties and their town/letter possibilities:
Cowley County: (A) Arkansas City (or Ark City) and (W) Winfield
Crawford County: (P) Pittsburg and (G) Girard
Labette County: (O) Oswego and (P) Parsons
Montgomery County: (C) Coffeyville and (I) Independence
Neosho County: (E) Erie and (C) Chanute
Digit: |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
Douglass County Case No. 09-DM-1234 |
DG |
0 |
9 |
D |
M |
0 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Sedgwick County Case No. 2002-D-12345 |
SG |
0 |
2 |
D |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Crawford County Case No. 2001-D-123-P |
CR |
0 |
1 |
D |
0 |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
P |
Neosho County Case No. 2010 DM 25 E |
NO |
1 |
0 |
D |
M |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
5 |
E |
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